Posts Tagged ‘devices’
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) hardens data security rules for health apps and devices
FTC says it will fine digital health companies that don’t disclose data breaches (mobihealthnews): With data breaches on the rise, the FTC is looking to make health apps more accountable for telling patients when their data has been exposed. The FTC released a new statement specifying that all health apps that capture sensitive patient information…
Read MoreOutsmarting Smart Technology to Reclaim our Health and Focus
Outsmarting Smart Technology to Reclaim our Health and Focus from SharpBrains We hope you enjoy this slidedeck supporting a fascinating talk at the 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: The Future of Brain Health (March 7–9th). Full recordings are available for purchase here. 8–8.30am. Outsmarting Smart Technology to Reclaim our Health and Focus Dr. Margaret Morris, clinical psychologist, author of Left to…
Read MoreLet’s discuss how to Outsmart Smart Technology to Reclaim our Health and Focus
I’m excited to share that the upcoming 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit will feature, on May 8th, a fascinating presentation and discussion with Dr. Margaret Morris, who spent 13 years as a researcher at Intel and recently wrote a very timely book — Left to Our Own Devices: Outsmarting Smart Technology to Reclaim Our Relationships, Health,…
Read MoreThe FDA creates new Digital Health unit to reimagine regulatory paths in the age of scalable, AI-enhanced innovation
— Medicine Is Going Digital. The FDA Is Racing to Catch Up (Wired): “WHEN BAKUL PATEL started as a policy advisor in the US Food and Drug Administration in 2008, he could pretty much pinpoint when a product was going to land in front of the reviewers in his division. Back when medical devices were…
Read MoreNext: Consumer-facing neurotechnologies to augment everyday work and life
Neurotechnology Could Lead to Thought-Controlled Devices (BizTech): “To interact with a computer, users generally type on a keyboard, swipe their fingers across a screen or speak a voice command. What if, instead, the machine simply responded to their thoughts?
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