Three evidence-based ways to develop a resilient mind

___ Life throws chaos at us on a reg­u­lar basis—whether it’s our finances, our rela­tion­ships, or our health. In the work world, around 50 per­cent of peo­ple are burned out in indus­tries like health care, bank­ing, and non­prof­its, and employ­ers spend $300 bil­lion per year on work­­place-relat­ed stress. In response, we just keep on pushing…

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Moderate coffee consumption may promote brain health — and it’s not because of caffeine

How Cof­fee May Pro­tect Brain Health: A New Study Sug­gests The Ben­e­fits Aren’t Just From Caf­feine (Forbes): “Cof­fee has been get­ting con­sid­er­able atten­tion for a grow­ing list of health ben­e­fits, with brain health high among them. While not with­out a few down­sides, stud­ies have shown impres­sive upsides of mod­er­ate cof­fee con­sump­tion, often linked to its…

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August e‑newsletter: Inside Out, Coffee, Stress, Poverty, Exercise, Brain Training, and more SharpBrains News

. Time for Sharp­Brains’ August e‑newsletter, wrap­ping up this month’s key brain-relat­ed news and stud­ies, and fea­tur­ing Four “Inside Out” insights to dis­cuss and improve our kids’ emo­tion­al lives (and our own). New stud­ies: With excep­tions, mod­er­ate cof­fee drink­ing may help pro­tect against mild cog­ni­tive impair­ment Struc­tur­al brain dif­fer­ences due to child­hood pover­ty may account for 20% of…

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Open question: Can coffee & Ritalin’s mental effects be delivered, safely, over a smartphone?

. Will 2015 be the year our smart­phones link up to our brains? (Pop­u­lar Sci­ence): “Thync bills itself first and fore­most as a neu­ro­science com­pa­ny. Its sole product—slated for release lat­er this year—is a smart­­phone-con­trolled wear­able device that will allow the user to active­ly alter his or her brain’s elec­tri­cal state through tran­scra­nial direct current…

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Grand Rounds: 22 Health and Medicine Questions and Answers

Wel­come to Grand Rounds, the week­ly col­lec­tion of best health and med­ical blog posts. This week we invite you to enjoy a broad range of insights, tips, and first-hand sto­ries, pre­sent­ed as a Q&A con­ver­sa­tion with blog­gers will­ing to answer, below, a total of 22 good ques­tions. On Health and Med­i­cine What can one-word prescriptions…

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