Cognitive training, diet, exercise, and vascular management seen to improve cognition even in people with genetic predisposition for dementia (APOE e4)

___ How do genet­ics impact ear­ly inter­ven­tion for demen­tia? (Med­ical News Bul­letin): “Car­dio­vas­cu­lar and neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­eases, such as demen­tia, have been linked to dys­func­tion of a vari­a­tion of the apolipopro­tein E, or APOE, gene, called the APOE e4 allele…The Finnish Geri­atric Inter­ven­tion Study to Pre­vent Cog­ni­tive Impair­ment and Dis­abil­i­ty (FINGER) eval­u­at­ed whether the effec­tive­ness of…

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Study: Brain scans may predict depression risk better than clinical rating scales, paving the way for earlier preventive treatments

Brain Scans Could Iden­ti­fy Kids at Risk of Depres­sion (Smith­son­ian): “One of the most fright­en­ing aspects of depres­sion is the fact that, once some­one suf­fers a depres­sive episode, they’re very like­ly to have anoth­er. And depres­sion itself often brings oth­er ills, from sub­stance abuse to heart disease

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