Brain teasers to understand and boost cognitive abilities

First of all, what is cog­ni­tion? Cog­ni­tion has to do with how a per­son under­stands and acts in the world. It is a set of men­tal process­es that are part of near­ly every human action. For instance, answer­ing the tele­phone involves per­cep­tion (hear­ing the ring tone), deci­sion tak­ing (answer­ing or not), motor skill (lift­ing the receiver),…

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Test your Brain with these Teasers and Visual Illusions

Are the two orange cir­cles of the same size? One way to under­stand more about the brain is to look at how we can trick it, that is, to look at how the brain reacts to teasers and visu­al illu­sions. Here are 10 visu­al illu­sions to com­bine fun and learn­ing about the visu­al sys­tem. We know you…

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Can cinnamon prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

You may have come across sev­er­al head­lines like this over the last few weeks, based on a new study appar­ent­ly show­ing that the com­pound that caus­es that bright cin­na­mon smell may help pre­vent the devel­op­ment of tau pro­tein tan­gles, the tan­gles that noto­ri­ous­ly form in brains affect­ed by Alzheimer’s Dis­ease. Are we to con­clude that 

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What is the combined effect of physical and mental training?

Phys­i­cal exer­cise and men­tal exer­cise are both ben­e­fi­cial for the brain. Each can improve brain func­tions and decrease risks of cog­ni­tive decline over time. This rais­es the ques­tion of their com­par­a­tive and com­bined effects: Is one bet­ter than the oth­er? Are their ben­e­fits addi­tive (1 + 1 =2) or per­haps even syn­er­gis­tic (1 + 1…

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