Does perception equal reality? Try this quick optical illusion…

. At first glance, you prob­a­bly see the nice land­scape. Those branch­es and trees, the water, that cou­ple at the bot­tom right. Now, can you also see the baby? Tricky, isn’t it?! The image above con­tains some ambigu­ous con­tours, cre­at­ing the effect known as a sub­jec­tive or illu­so­ry con­tour. The con­tour of the baby is cre­at­ed by the…

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Brain fitness tips to improve concentration and memory

. Concentration–or atten­tion– and mem­o­ry are two cru­cial men­tal skills and are direct­ly relat­ed. In fact, many mem­o­ry com­plaints have noth­ing to do with the actu­al abil­i­ty to remem­ber things: They come from a fail­ure to focus prop­er­ly on the task at hand. For exam­ple, when you don’t remem­ber where you parked your car

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Brain teaser to exercise your mental rotation cognitive abilities

Men­tal self-rota­­tion is the cog­ni­tive abil­i­ty to imag­ine your­self in dif­fer­ent loca­tions in space, and to imag­ine your body mov­ing in space. We need it for every­day activ­i­ties such as find­ing a place or read­ing a map. The abil­i­ty involved is tech­ni­cal­ly called ego­cen­tric spa­tial trans­for­ma­tions (yes, that is the sci­en­tif­ic expres­sion) or men­tal self rota­tion, and the brain…

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