Challenge ahead: Harnessing technology for good mental health

Mak­ing tech­nol­o­gy an ally in men­tal health care (Fun­dación Inno­vación Bank­in­ter): Inter­est in using tech­nol­o­gy for men­tal health dates back to the mid twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry. “Stud­ies began back in the 1960s, giv­en the grow­ing con­cern about addic­tion in chil­dren (espe­cial­ly) and adults,” clar­i­fies Álvaro Fer­nán­dez Ibáñez about the begin­ning of this dis­ci­pline. Sesame Street, the…

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Cómo minimizar el impacto del Covid-19 en nuestro cerebro

(in Eng­lish: Three ways to pro­tect your men­tal health dur­ing –and after– COVID-19) Des­de la Fun­dación Inno­vación Bank­in­ter hemos orga­ni­za­do un ciclo de webi­na­rs sobre el impacto del Covid-19 en difer­entes aspec­tos sociales y económi­cos, para detec­tar qué opor­tu­nidades podremos encon­trar den­tro de esta situación. En primer lugar, y en clara relación con la neu­ro­cien­cia, la últi­ma ten­den­cia analizada…

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Explore The State of Noninvasive Neurotechnology in 37 minutes and 1 image

? Heads-up: The record­ings for the webi­nar on The State of Non­in­va­sive Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy, held on May 19th, are already avail­able on YouTube. Dr. Ricar­do Gil-da-Cos­­ta (above) and Alvaro Fer­nan­dez (below) gave an excel­lent out­look on the brain tech indus­try, with a deep look into apps and wear­ables and the capa­bil­i­ties that human brain could achieve.…

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