Meet the Top 50 finalists for the Global Teacher Prize 2020!
Dear friends of the Global Teacher Prize,
We hope you, and your family, are well and keeping safe during these strange times.
We have just announced the Global Teacher Prize Top 50 Finalists for 2020. As we live through this pandemic and global education systems adapt to a new and unfamiliar terrain, the one voice that should never be drowned out is that of the teacher. Now, more than ever, we must shine a light on the world’s teachers. Over the last few weeks, in a world turned upside down, we’ve been daily reminded how much we rely on them.
And so, we plan to continue shouting about their achievements. In light of the pandemic however, and the fact that it is all that seems to be in news nationally, and internationally, press coverage of the Top 50 Finalists may be limited and overshadowed. Please do help us spread the word by supporting the teachers from your countries or the finalists in general through social media so that we can highlight their stories and the incredible work they do even further.
Your help and their voices are even more critically important at a time like this.
Please do have a look at their profiles at and please support them through our social channels:
- Twitter: @TeacherPrize
- Facebook: teacherprize
- Instagram: teacherprize
- Youtube: TalkingEducation
The Prize Committee and the Judging Academy have much work to do in the months ahead — The Top 10 and the winner will be announced later in the year.
All the best, and please stay safe.
To Learn More:
- Meet the Global Teacher Prize Top 50 Finalists for 2020
- About the Varkey Foundation
- About the Judging Academy
- Judging Criteria
- Methodology