Fact: Lifelong neuroplasticity means our 7.5 billion brains can “sculpt” themselves
Much ongoing brain health and brain enhancement innovation is enabled by the core fact—called neuroplasticity–that the human brain continually changes itself through experience. Neuroplasticity–or brain plasticity– refers to the brain’s ability to rewire itself based on experience by generating new neurons and by forming new connections between neurons, among other factors. It was believed for a long time that, after a certain age, the brain became “fixed.” Now we know that the brain never stops changing, and that’s why there’s so much interest and hope around ways to harness that neuroplasticity to lead better lives, to enhance our brains, to delay brain health decline.
What follows from this fact is that we can strengthen specific circuits of the brain (through education, our jobs and lifestyles, and also through mental exercises, meditation and neurostimulation), in order to learn faster, better and become more resilient.
–> Keep reading the article 5 Facts You Need To Know To Understand, Navigate And Enjoy The Digital Brain Health Revolution over at The Huffington Post.