Survey finds significant promise for home-based, data-rich cognitive therapy among stroke survivors

ConstantTherapyTele­health Sees Suc­cess in Ther­a­py (MHealth Intelligence):

Tele­health-based ther­a­py pro­grams for stroke sur­vivors have helped increase cog­ni­tive and lan­guage skills and enabled patients to receive ther­a­py five times more often, accord­ing to one company.

The sur­vey of more than 20 mil­lion ther­a­py ses­sions by Boston-based Con­stant Ther­a­py is in line with reports from mHealth advo­cates who say home-based phys­i­cal and cog­ni­tive ther­a­py pro­grams can improve out­comes and frequency…According to Coop­er, in ana­lyz­ing more than 20,000 ses­sions on Con­stant Therapy’s Neu­roP­er­for­mance Engine, the com­pa­ny saw a 15 per­cent improve­ment in lan­guage and cog­ni­tive exer­cis­es among patient with severe dis­abil­i­ties who com­plet­ed 100 exer­cis­es; that improve­ment jumped to 40 per­cent after 500 exer­cis­es. Pro­cess­ing speed in lan­guage and cog­ni­tive exer­cis­es, mean­while, improved by 20 per­cent after 100 exer­cis­es and a whop­ping 80 per­cent after 500 exercises.

Over­all, Coop­er said, stroke sur­vivors using the mHealth plat­form received five times more ther­a­py than those who trav­elled to a clin­ic or their therapist’s office.”

To learn more about big data and cog­ni­tive health:

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
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