Quick, interactive brain teaser to test your concentration and cognitive flexibility
Here is a fun and interactive version of the famous Stroop test, often used in neuropsychological evaluations to measure response inhibition and cognitive flexibility. Performing well on the test requires strong concentration and self-regulation.
Your job is to name the colors of the words. Do NOT read the words but the color of the ink used to write the words. For example, if the word “GREEN” is printed in a red color, you should say “RED” (and refrain from saying “GREEN”!)
Ready. Set. GO
Speed matters so try to say the colors as fast as you can. A nice feature here: You will be able to record your reaction times.
Pascale Michelon, PhD, is a scientist, educator, and contributing author to The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness: How to Optimize Brain Health and Performance at Any Age.
For more fun cognitive stimulation, try these Top 25 Brain Teasers, Games & Illusions for Adults.