Trend: Taking health (and brain health) care “beyond the pill”
How Device Makers Can Take Healthcare “Beyond the Pill” (Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry):
“One thing is clear: Pharma’s commitment to “beyond the pill” has never been so apparent.
Each and every pharma company seems to have formed a division or a strategic team to explore new services around patient compliance, population health data and furthering connectivity for improving patient management…
Medtronic, Abbott, GE and J&J have shown how to achieve FDA approval for the use of data from devices, although these are proprietary platforms…Healthcare providers can see trends mapped out through dashboards and can use that to make clinical decisions about the patient’s care…
Putting the physician-patient visit as the target for wearables/devices data can create tremendous value. If data from all medical devices and wearables could be consolidated, it makes it easier for physicians to assess patients’ compliance with drug regimens. It can also enable titration of prescriptions where physicians can adjust doses until desired results are reached.”
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