AARP to offer BrainHQ cognitive training provided by Posit Science

aarpAARP Encour­ages Brain Health with Launch of AARP Brain Fit­ness pow­ered by Brain­HQ (Press release): “Research shows that AARP mem­bers and Amer­i­cans 50 and old­er are wor­ried about los­ing men­tal capac­i­ty. In fact, AARP found that stay­ing men­tal­ly sharp is a top con­cern among AARP members…(Deb) Aber­nathy (Direc­tor for Brain Health at AARP) con­clud­ed, “Just like a phys­i­cal work­out ses­sion, brain fit­ness exer­cise is just one aspect of holis­tic brain health. AARP is excit­ed to offer more ways for Amer­i­cans to address their own brain health as they age.”

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