CES 2013: Combining brains and digital health in the workplace
The Brain: On the Frontline of Digital Health in the Workplace (Huffington Post):
“…It is estimated that some two billion worldwide, one-third of the global population, suffer from brain-based health and productivity challenges with a related cost burden of more than $2 trillion. The broad scope of this market is emphasized further when consideration is given to the widely different types of brain-based solutions that are now being offered to divergent patient, consumer and corporate audiences.
Indeed, the innovation that is driving brain health and wellness is set to take to the stage at the upcoming Digital Health Summit at the International CES. A number of the brain health market leaders identified by SharpBrains, including top 5 companies Brain Resource and Neurosky, as well as Heartmath, are all bringing unique first mover approaches to well-known health problems including stress, Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression and anxiety.
So how does a brain-based solution deliver real outcomes in dealing with a chronic condition such as stress, which in the workplace is estimated to cost the U.S. more than $300 billion each year in health care, missed work, and stress reduction efforts?
Workers in high-stress jobs visit health care professionals 26 percent more than workers in the low-stress job category, according to a recent study. Indeed, stressed out workers are increasingly turning to health professionals for physical, mental and emotional issues.
This is where brain based health solutions are reinventing the approach to what is a chronic and growing problem in this country…’
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