December Update: Wishing You and Yours a Very Brain-Fit Decade
How can we help younger generations find the right path to lifelong brain health and performance — especially as they will live longer, and in more dynamic, complex environments? We created the Brain Health across the Lifespan series to curate reliable sources of information, and here you can check out the Top 10 Resources to Better Understand the Teenage Brain.
Wishing you and your family a very brain-fit decade…please enjoy the December edition of our monthly eNewsletter:
Research Bites
Memory Training Reduces Brain Atrophy: Andreas Engvig, a former SharpBrains intern and current neuroscientist, gives us a unique peak into his lab’s work on how memory training can both improve memory performance and decrease brain matter reduction in older adults’ brains.
Cognitive Training can Boost Sense of Control: Reasoning and speed of processing brain training can improve the sense of control over one’s life — one of the most crucial markers of successful aging.
Can Resistance Training Protect the Brain? Aerobic exercise is not the only type of exercise to benefit the brain: A strength training exercise program shows cognitive benefits one year after the training.
Literacy Re-wires the Brain: Learning to read changes the brain regions involved in vision.
Resources and Tips
The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Brains: To help us all refine those Brain Fitness Resolutions…
10 Brain Tips To Teach and Learn: Explore ways to optimize the learning process.
Top 10 Brain Training Trends: Alvaro Fernandez shares with us the 10 main brain fitness trends forecasted for the next 5 years.
Debunking 10 cognitive/ brain fitness myths: Do genes ‑or our age- determine our cognitive vitality? Should we just wait for a “magic pill” to solve all our brain challenges? Are all brain exercises equal? 10 Brain and Brain Fitness Myths, debunked.
New Books
Using Brain Plasticity to help Children with Learning Disabilities: This new book from Eaton Arrowsmith School’s founder and director Howard Eaton presents a new approach to help children with learning disabilities overcome educational obstacles.
Council Insights
2011 SharpBrains Summit: 27 industry and research leaders have already confirmed speaking at the Summit. Latest additions include pioneers at AARP, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, UC-Santa Barbara Neuroscience Research Institute, and United BioSource.
Brain Teasers
Test your Reaction Time: A fun way to assess your brain speed of processing, in milliseconds.
A Brain Game to Tease your Frontal Skills: Try this challenging teaser to stimulate the executive functions of your frontal lobes: Decision-making, problem-solving, inhibition and working memory.
Top Ten Brain Teasers and Games for Kids and Adults alike: Explore this selection of the ten most popular brain teasers among SharpBrains readers.
Looking forward to a great 2011. Have a great Holiday Season, and please don’t forget to engage via Facebook and Twitter!
- The SharpBrains Team