The Future of Cognitive Enhancement and Mental Health: Meet the Experts
September 9, 2010//Comments Off on The Future of Cognitive Enhancement and Mental Health: Meet the Experts
Since 2006, as part of the research supporting The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness and SharpBrains’ market reports, we have interviewed dozens of leading-edge scientists and experts. Below are some of our favorite quotes and interviews — you can read the full interview notes by clicking on the links:
Conversations in 2010
“…putting good evidence to work in practice requires more than publishing good research. I’d say that scientific evidence is directly relevant to perhaps 15% of clinical decisions…we require technologies that translate emergent knowledge into practice.” — Dr. John Docherty, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at Weill Medical College, and former Branch Chief at NIMH. Full Interview Notes. |
“We should be thinking about the brain through its whole lifetime…We need to break the silos, to aggregate knowledge, to help advance our knowledge of the brain 50 years in 5 years.” — Patrick Donohue, founder of the Sarah Jane Brain Project. Full Interview Notes. |
Conversations in 2009
“My dream in all of this is to have standardized and credible tools to train the 5–6 main neurocognitive domains for cogni tive health and performance through life, coupled with the right assessments to identify one’s individ ual needs and mea sure progress” — Dr. Michael Merzenich, Emeritus Professor at UCSF, and pioneer in brain plasticity research. Full Interview Notes. |
“We have an opportunity to make major progress in Brain Health in the XXI century, similar to what happened with Cardiovascular Health in the XX, and technology will play a crucial role.” — Dr. William E. Reichman, President and CEO of Baycrest. Full Interview Notes. |
“Growth only really comes at the point of resistance, but that is the moment that we tend to stop. Because it hurts…pushing our limits is a muscle that can be cultivated like any other–incrementally” — Joshua Waitzkin, chess champion and author of The Art of Learning. Full Interview Notes. |
“The correlation between identical twins reared apart gives an overestimate of heritability because the environments of iden tical twins reared apart are often highly similar. But the main contradiction of heritability estimates lies in the fact that adoption produces a huge effect on IQ” ‑Dr. Richard Nisbett, Professor at University of Michigan and author of Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count. Full Interview Notes. |
For more, please visit our Neuroscience Interview Series.
Posted in Technology & Innovation
About SharpBrains
SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.