Barcelona talk: How Digital Tech will Transform Education, Training and Brain Health
If you happen to be in Barcelona, Spain, on September 14th, make sure to attend Alvaro Fernandez talk there titled “How and Why Digital Technology Will Transform Education, Training and Brain Health”.
- Date: 14/09/2010
- Time: 19:00
- Place: ESADEFORUM. Av. Pedralbes 60–62.
Description: You have a brain. Make it reflect on this provocative vision of how the convergence of demographic and political trends with the discoveries of neuroscience and digital technology can give rise to a global market capable of transforming the way in which we develop and maintain our brains, in order to attain the highest possible level of brain health and performance throughout our lives. The neuroscientist Ramón y Cajal once said: “Every man can, if he so desires, become the sculptor of his own brain”. This has become a prevailing desire, promoted by baby boomers who, as they approach their 60th birthday, embark on a search for lifelong “brain fitness”.
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