Inaugural Brain Fitness Innovation Awards: FAQs
We are receiving many good questions about the new Brain Fitness Innovation Awards; below you have a few Frequently Asked Questions. Please let us know if you have any more questions!
Is there a formal nomination process?
No. Any organization can submit an entry, and/ or encourage others to do so.
Can a vendor and a client organization submit a joint entry? if not, who submits the entry, and who wins the Award?
The Awards are designed to directly recognize Users, not Vendors. The primary organization to submit an entry and receive the Award is the one using latest tools and programs (technology-based on not) to take care of the brain fitness of their own clients/ patients/ employees. Now, the tools and programs used will be publicly recognized as part of Award Winner’s entry and case study.
Your evaluation criteria include “Value of Lessons Learned” (20%). What you mean by ‘lessons learned”?
Pioneers are willing to learn by doing and to share insights from their experience with other organizations which may be considering similar initiatives. For example, what were some difficulties in implementing and growing the program? what was end user response? how were results measured? what tool/s were selected and why?
Will the information contained in the submitted Entries be shared? They may be great case studies
Full 3 Winning Entries will be shared publicly, while full Finalist Entries will only be shared with Summit participants.
For more information, check out the Brain Fitness Innovation Awards page.