Newsweek on Evolution, DNA and The Brain
March 13, 2007//Comments Off on Newsweek on Evolution, DNA and The Brain
Great March 19th issue of Newsweek Magazine, announcing the hiring of science writer Sharon Begley, who leads the cover story on The Evolution Revolution. You will find:
- The New Science of Human Evolution: “The new science of the brain and DNA is rewriting the history of human origins”.
- Live Talk: Sharon Begley on the new science of evolution
- Think Thin To Get Thin by Judith Beck (daughter of Aaron Beck, the founder of cognitive therapy, applying CT techniques to weight loss).
- Compassion Fatigue Hits Vet Caregivers: “For thousands who treat veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ‘compassion fatigue’ is a very real problem“ÂÂ
- “The literary landscape that shaped the baby boomers”
Talking about DNA, my wife and I just ordered our participation kit from National Geographic: The Genographic Project to learn more about our origins. Looks like a very worthy project. She, from Russian and German recent ancestors; me, born in Spain’s Basque Country. We will see what we find out!
Posted in Technology & Innovation
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SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.