New offering to refresh & enhance workplace Mental Health and Talent programs: Brain Health At Work

Does this sound famil­iar? Rush and mul­ti­task­ing every­where, yet we’re see­ing low pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and high burnout because we’re not tak­ing good care of our brain’s health. Peo­ple aren’t real­ly con­nect­ing with the old-school, med­ical ways of tack­ling Men­tal Health that just focus on what’s wrong. Employ­ees are often wary of tak­ing on new demand­ing tasks,…

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Ten days left to submit proposals to the Wellcome Trust for Workplace Mental Health 2021

Dear Col­leagues, Well­come are delight­ed to announce the launch of our Work­place Men­tal Health 2021 Request for Pro­pos­als. Busi­ness­es all over the world are increas­ing­ly think­ing about how they can most effec­tive­ly sup­port the men­tal health of their staff, even more so in light of the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic. How­ev­er, despite grow­ing inter­est and invest­ment in…

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Comprehensive research review identifies most promising interventions to boost workplace mental health

Why an evi­­dence-dri­ven approach is the best way for busi­ness­es to sup­port work­place men­tal health (World Eco­nom­ic Forum): Men­tal health has nev­er been high­er on the agen­da for busi­ness­es. It is easy to see why, as even pri­or to COVID-19, anx­i­ety and depres­sion were esti­mat­ed to cost the glob­al econ­o­my over $1 tril­lion every year in…

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