Posts Tagged ‘working-memory-deficits’
When 1 + 1 = 5: Dyscalculia and Working Memory
Jacob’s mother writes that ‘Jacob, 10-years-old, still struggles with number bonds to 10. Learning to tell the time is still slow – he has not mastered half-past. Although he managed to learn his 5x tables because we practiced all summer, this has now gone’. Jacob has dyscalculia, a math disability where students struggle to learn or…
Read MoreComparing Working Memory Training & Medication Treatment for ADHD
Working memory (WM) is the cognitive system responsible for the temporary storage and manipulation of information and plays an important role in both learning and focusing attention. Considerable research has documented that many children and adults with ADHD have WM deficits and that this contributes to difficulties associated with the disorder. For an excellent introduction…
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