DARPA launches Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program to accelerate cognitive skills training

Boost­ing Synap­tic Plas­tic­i­ty to Accel­er­ate Learn­ing (DARPA news): “The body’s branch­ing net­work of periph­er­al nerves con­nects neu­rons in the brain and spinal cord to organs, skin, and mus­cles, reg­u­lat­ing a host of bio­log­i­cal func­tions from diges­tion to sen­sa­tion to loco­mo­tion. But the periph­er­al ner­vous sys­tem can do even more than that…pushing those lim­its fur­ther, DARPA…

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Trend: A growing toolkit for brain training and brain enhancement

Can Elec­tric ‘Brain Train­ing’ Devices Make You Smarter? (For­tune): “If there were a sys­tem or a prod­uct that could make you, say, 10% smarter, you’d buy it in a sec­ond, right? That’s been the promise of the “brain train­ing” field… Now, faster than the cur­rent cours­ing through your cere­bel­lum, the field is bur­geon­ing into what could…

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The (Tailored) Future of New Driver Training

New dri­ver train­ing study high­lights impor­tance of post-licence skills (Sci­ence Net­work): “Crash rates are high­est imme­di­ate­ly after licensing…so there is poten­tial for improv­ing safe­ty dur­ing the first six months,” Dr Bean­land says…“Driving involves a high­ly com­plex skill set, so dri­vers need some kind of train­ing and prac­tice to acquire those skills…The paper found cog­ni­tive skills…

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Study: Music Training Can Enhance Verbal Intelligence and Executive Function

Very inter­est­ing new study pub­lished in Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sci­ence: Short-Term Music Train­ing Enhances Ver­bal Intel­li­gence and Exec­u­tive Func­tion. Abstract: Researchers have designed train­ing meth­ods that can be used to improve men­tal health and to test the effi­ca­cy of edu­ca­tion pro­grams. How­ev­er, few stud­ies have demon­strat­ed broad trans­fer from such train­ing to per­for­mance on untrained cog­ni­tive activities.…

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Barcelona talk: How Digital Tech will Transform Education, Training and Brain Health

If you hap­pen to be in Barcelona, Spain, on Sep­tem­ber 14th, make sure to attend Alvaro Fer­nan­dez talk there titled “How and Why Dig­i­tal Tech­nol­o­gy Will Trans­form Edu­ca­tion, Train­ing and Brain Health”. Date: 14/09/2010 Time: 19:00 Place: ESADEFORUM. Av. Pedralbes 60–62. Descrip­tion: You have a brain. Make it reflect on this provoca­tive vision of how the con­ver­gence of…

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