Can trained older brains outperform untrained younger ones at demanding cognitive tasks? Quick answer: YES

__________ Online brain games can extend in-game ‘cog­ni­tive youth’ into old age (Sci­ence News): “A Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Irvine-led study has found that online brain game exer­cis­es can enable peo­ple in their 70s and even 80s to mul­ti­task cog­ni­tive­ly as well as indi­vid­u­als 50 years their junior. This is an increas­ing­ly valu­able skill, giv­en today’s daily…

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Are videogames good for YOU? Depends on who YOU are

Two recent sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies pub­lished by Dr. Arthur Kramer and col­leagues present fas­ci­nat­ing results. The two stud­ies are: 1) Basak C, et al “Can train­ing in a real-time strat­e­gy video game atten­u­ate cog­ni­tive decline in old­er adults?” Psy­chol Aging 2008; DOI: 10.1037/a0013494. 2) Boot, W. R., Kramer, A. F., Simons, D. J., Fabi­ani, M. & Gratton,…

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Games for Brain Health — Novelty, Variety and Challenge

Land­mark study just pub­lished: Basak C, et al “Can train­ing in a real-time strat­e­gy video game atten­u­ate cog­ni­tive decline in old­er adults?” Psy­chol Aging 2008; DOI: 10.1037/a0013494. Play­ing com­put­er games improves brain pow­er of old­er adults, claim sci­en­tists (Tele­graph) — The team at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois recruit­ed 40 adults over 60 years old, half…

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