Your comments on cognitive training, Posit Science, Alzheimer’s Australia, gerontology, games

I have fall­en behind on answer­ing a few excel­lent recent com­ments ‑on cog­ni­tive train­ing over­all, Posit Sci­ence and Alzheimer’s Aus­tralia, geron­tol­ogy and the brain, the val­ue of videogames‑, so let me address them here: 1) Nicks says (Brain Fit­ness Pro­grams For Seniors Hous­ing, Health­care and Insur­ance Providers: Eval­u­a­tion Check­list) “This report is inter­est­ing and it addresses…

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Mobile Brain Training, Scientific Learning, and More News

Some recent brain train­ing and health news:  1) A Promis­ing Debut for Com­put­er­ized Ther­a­pies 2) Fit­ness pro­tects brain in Alzheimer’s patients 3) Brain Fit­ness Pro­gram Clas­sic comes to Mac 4) Posit Sci­ence gains own­er­ship of Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing (NSDQ: SCIL) Brain­Con­nec­tion. 5) Brain train­ing on your mobile 6) You must remem­ber this: how the mind works Here you…

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