Digital mental health start-up Koa Health raises €30M to accelerate growth in Europe and the US

Men­tal health­care start­up Koa Health clos­es €30M Series A fund­ing to expand its inter­na­tion­al foot­print (Sil­i­con Canals): In a recent devel­op­ment, Barcelona-based dig­i­tal men­tal health­care provider, Koa Health, has announced it closed an over­sub­scribed €30M Series A fund­ing round … The com­pa­ny had raised the funds back in Octo­ber 2020 and had also announced its spin-out…

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Startup Aural Analytics raises $4.3M to monitor neurological health by analyzing speech patterns

Aur­al Ana­lyt­ics rais­es $4.3M for voice-based cog­ni­tive health mon­i­tor­ing (Mobi­Health­News): “Aur­al Ana­lyt­ics, a start­up using speech ana­lyt­ics algo­rithms to gauge changes in brain health, has raised $4.3 mil­lion in seed fund­ing … The arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence engine col­lects speech sam­ples through a smart­phone or tablet app, and uploads these to a cloud serv­er for analy­sis. From these, 

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Mental Health Innovation and Dr. Tom Insel: from the NIMH to Google/ Verily Life Sciences to Startup Mindstrong

— For­mer Alpha­bet exec is work­ing on an idea to detect men­tal health dis­or­ders by how you type on your phone (CNBC): “Can a smart­phone detect whether a user is sui­ci­dal or depressed? That’s the promise of an explod­ing num­ber of men­tal health entre­pre­neurs, who are explor­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to mon­i­tor users’ smart­phone behav­ior to detect…

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Brain health startup Neumitra secures investment from Peter Thiel’s philanthropic fund

Peter Thiel’s phil­an­thropic fund invests in brain health start­up Neu­mi­tra (Boston Busi­ness Jour­nal): “Break­out Labs, a Sil­i­con Val­­ley-based phil­an­thropic fund launched by Pay­Pal founder Peter Thiel, has made its first Boston invest­ment, in brain health start­up Neu­mi­tra. Neu­mi­tra’s tech­nol­o­gy mea­sures the effects of stress on brain health per­for­mance in var­i­ous ways, from wear­able tech­nol­o­gy to…

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