Computerized Cognitive Assessments: opportunities and concerns

You know your weight. And your phys­i­cal fit­ness. And a vari­ety of health-relat­ed met­rics. What about your brain fit­ness? Two recent announce­ments bring out how the assess­ment of cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties, or brain func­tions, is increas­ing­ly being done thanks to new com­put­er­ized options: 1) Last week, OptumHealth announced an exclu­sive 3‑year agree­ment (esti­mat­ed at $18m) with…

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Health, Medicine and Wellness blogs

First of all, thank you for com­ing to enjoy our 50 brain teasers…the reac­tion was over­whelm­ing. We will pre­pare more! Sec­ond, quick links to excel­lent health-relat­ed blog car­ni­vals: Grand Rounds: the most com­pre­hen­sive one Health Wonk Review: focused on pub­lic pol­i­cy Change of Shift: nurs­ing-ori­en­t­ed Med­i­cine 2.0: on how web 2.0 inter­acts with the med­ical field Third, here…

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