A great new book and five fun brain teasers to celebrate Brain Awareness Week 2022

Brain Aware­ness Week 2022 just start­ed! Let’s cel­e­brate our human brains by learn­ing more about neu­ro­science pio­neer San­ti­a­go Ramón y Cajal via a great new book about his life and by chal­leng­ing our minds with a few fun brain teasers and illu­sions below ? First, some fas­ci­nat­ing insights into the “father of mod­ern neu­ro­science” from a superb…

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Neuroplasticity: Past, Present and Future

The Weis­man Art Muse­um in Min­neapo­lis hosts a won­der­ful tem­po­rary exhib­it high­light­ing the med­ical illus­tra­tions of neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty pio­neer San­ti­a­go Ramón y Cajal. Titled The Beau­ti­ful Brain: The Draw­ings of San­ti­a­go Ramón y Cajal, it will remain open until May 21st, 2017. Who was Ramón y Cajal? Why does his research mat­ter? Keep read­ing arti­cle over at…

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