Teladoc Health, having acquired Livongo and myStrength, launches integrated mental health service for the workplace

Teladoc builds out men­tal health­care ser­vices with myS­trength Com­plete (Mobi­Health­News): Vir­tu­al care giant Teladoc is build­ing out its behav­ioral health ser­vices through its lat­est pro­gram, myS­trength Com­plete. The new offer­ing is designed to give users a sin­gle inte­grat­ed men­tal health­care expe­ri­ence. It com­bines the app-based mod­els of care from myS­trength with Teladoc’s on-demand ther­a­pists and…

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Executive Functions in Health and Disease: New book to help integrate Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology

__________ Neu­ro­science used to be the monop­oly of a few elite uni­ver­si­ties locat­ed in a hand­ful of coun­tries. Neu­ropsy­chol­o­gy used to be a quaint niche dis­ci­pline rel­a­tive­ly uncon­nect­ed to the larg­er world of neu­ro­science and con­tent in its meth­ods with paper-and-pen­­cil tests. 

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Alzheimer’s Disease: is our Healthcare System Ready?

In the midst of much health­care reform talk, not enough atten­tion seems focused on ensur­ing health­care sys­tems’ pre­pared­ness to deal with cog­ni­tive health issues ‑with Alzheimer’s Dis­ease as the most dra­mat­ic exam­­­ple- which are pre­dict­ed to grow giv­en aging pop­u­la­tion trends. Today is World Alzheimer’s Day, and the USA Today com­ments on a new report…

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Shall we question the brand new book of human troubles

With three years still left until pub­li­ca­tion, the fights over the new ver­sion of the psy­chi­atric diag­nos­tic man­u­al, the DSM‑V, are hot­ting up and The New York Times has a con­cise arti­cle that cov­ers most of the main point of con­tention. — “What you have in the end,  Mr. Short­er said, “is this process of…

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