Akili Interactive Labs raises $30.5 million to develop FDA-approved brain training videogame for ADHD

. Videogame Mak­er Seeks to Treat ADHD (The Wall Street Jour­nal): “Doc­tors don’t usu­al­ly pre­scribe videogame play. But one com­pa­ny, which has just raised $30.5 mil­lion from ven­­ture-cap­i­­tal investors, hopes to change that. Boston-based Akili Inter­ac­tive Labs Inc. is devel­op­ing a videogame it believes could replace pills as a treat­ment for atten­­tion-deficit hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty disorder.

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Cognitive Enhancement via Magic Pills? likely not soon

Excel­lent Sci­en­tif­ic Amer­i­can cov­er sto­ry: Tur­bocharg­ing the Brain–Pills to Make You Smarter? “Will a pill at break­fast improve con­cen­tra­tion and memory—and will it do so with­out long-term detri­ment to your health?” Their answer, in short: not real­ly, not any­time soon. I could­n’t agree more. Let’s pay real atten­tion to non-inva­­sive options to aug­ment cog­ni­tion, from exer­cise to…

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