Study: Strenuous physical exercise may lead to cognitive –not just physical– fatigue

__________ Too Much Exer­cise Can Tire Our Brains Out, Too (Dis­cov­er Mag­a­zine D‑brief): “For years, the Nation­al Insti­tute of Sports, Exer­cise and Per­for­mance (INSEP) in France had been study­ing an unusu­al phe­nom­e­non. If an athlete’s work­out reg­i­ments were ramped up, it didn’t always lead to a bet­ter per­for­mance — even if that ath­lete felt like…

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Study: Neuroscientists pinpoint the brain and performance impact of a (perceived) judgmental audience

Why your brain makes you slip up when anx­ious (Sci­ence Dai­ly): “As musi­cians, fig­ure skaters and any­one who takes a dri­ving test will know, the anx­i­ety of being watched can have a dis­as­trous effect on your per­for­mance… In the new study, pub­lished in Sci­en­tif­ic Reports, par­tic­i­pants’ brain activ­i­ty was mon­i­tored while 

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Update: Four Essential Yet Overlooked Facts About Your Brain

Time for Sharp­Brains’ Decem­ber 2013 e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing a vari­ety of resources, brain teasers and arti­cles. Enjoy the reading…and Hap­py Hol­i­days! Fea­tured resources: Arti­cle: 4 Essen­tial (and Over­looked) Facts About Your Brain and Your Mind (via Cre­ativ­i­ty Post) Video: How to Opti­mize Brain Health and Per­for­mance at Any Age (via New York Pub­lic Library and YouTube) Book dis­count: The Sharp­Brains Guide…

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Nintendo Brain Training, bestseller in Europe

From a recent arti­cle: Brain Train­ing dom­i­nates ’08 Euro sales (CVG Online) — “Over­all, four of the ten best­selling DS games in both coun­tries dur­ing the first six months of 2008 were in the brain train­ing genre.” — “Accord­ing to data released by sales mon­i­tor Media Con­trol GfK Inter­na­tion­al, the DS’s heavy­weight sta­tus in the European…

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