New book shares science and techniques to breathe better and promote calmness not anxiety

Scrolling social media, amid fran­tic elec­­tion-relat­ed posts and news of esca­lat­ing COVID-19 cas­es, you may have come across a friend remind­ing every­one to just breathe. But can just-breath­ing real­ly make a dif­fer­ence? In his new book Breath: The New Sci­ence of a Lost Art, jour­nal­ist James Nestor argues that mod­ern humans have become pret­ty bad…

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Relaxing for your Brain’s Sake

What stress­es you out ? What­ev­er it is, how you respond to it may have more con­se­quences than you think. Let me show you how. Recap­ping from last months arti­cle (see Stress and Neur­al Wreck­age: Part of the Brain Plas­tic­i­ty Puz­zle)…our bod­ies are a com­plex bal­anc­ing act between sys­tems work­ing full time to keep us alive and well.…

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Alzheimer’s Disease: too serious to play with headlines

We just came across an arti­cle titled Best Com­put­er Brain Games for Senior Cit­i­zens to Delay Alzheimer’s Dis­ease. The head­line makes lit­tle sci­en­tif­ic sense-and we observe this con­fu­sion often. The arti­cle men­tions a few pro­grams we have dis­cussed often in this blog, such as Posit Sci­ence and Mind­Fit, and oth­ers we haven’t because we haven’t…

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