Study: Elders today are in significantly better shape–physically and cognitively–than three decades ago

Old­er peo­ple have become younger: phys­i­cal and cog­ni­tive func­tion have improved mean­ing­ful­ly in 30 years (Uni­ver­si­ty of Jyväskylä release): The func­tion­al abil­i­ty of old­er peo­ple is nowa­days bet­ter when it is com­pared to that of peo­ple at the same age three decades ago. This was observed in a study con­duct­ed at the Fac­ul­ty of Sport…

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Trend: With 25% of US physicians aged 65+, hospitals test older doctors on mental and physical acuity

— When Are Doc­tors Too Old to Prac­tice? (The Wall Street Jour­nal): “In Feb­ru­ary, Robert Brown received an email that left him trou­bled. The New Jer­sey hos­pi­tal where the 71-year-old pedi­a­tri­cian was prac­tic­ing informed him that doc­tors age 72 and old­er would have to take a test to assess their phys­i­cal and men­tal health—or risk…

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Trend: More healthcare and research facilities offer multipronged brain fitness programs

Can an exer­cise rou­tine real­ly help keep your men­tal “mus­cles” in good shape? (Har­vard Health Let­ter): “Fear of los­ing your mem­o­ry and think­ing skills is one of the great­est con­cerns of get­ting old­er. Maybe that’s behind the increas­ing num­ber of clin­ics offer­ing brain fit­ness pro­grams. “Brain train­ing” isn’t a typ­i­cal exer­cise pro­gram; it incor­po­rates a…

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Fact: Multiple factors can contribute to memory problems…and “getting older” is often not the main one

When Mem­o­ry Changes Are More Than ‘Just Get­ting Old­er’ (US News): “You’ve prob­a­bly heard this phrase before: “I’m just get­ting older”…The expla­na­tion should be used with cau­tion, though. Often, I tell my patients not to blame some­thing they are expe­ri­enc­ing on “just get­ting old­er,” because they might miss some­thing that could be treatable

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