A Multi-Pronged Approach to Brain Health

Try eat­ing food with one chop stick. It is pos­si­ble, for cer­tain types of food. But prob­a­bly not the best approach. Let’s now talk brain health. Dr. Lar­ry McCleary is a for­mer act­ing Chief of Pedi­atric Neu­ro­surgery at Den­ver Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal, and author of the The Brain Trust Pro­gram (Perigee Trade, 2007). He agreed to help…

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10 (Surprising) Memory Improvement Tips

There are sev­er­al brain fit­ness top­ics where we still see a large dis­con­nect between research and pop­u­lar knowl­edge, and a major one is the rela­tion­ship between mem­o­ry and stress. Car­o­line and I col­lab­o­rat­ed on this post to bring you some con­text and tips. Our soci­ety has changed faster than our genes. Instead of being faced with…

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