May “industry review boards” contribute to the wider adoption of virtual and augmented reality for physical and mental health?

__________ Indus­try review boards are need­ed to pro­tect VR user pri­va­cy (World Eco­nom­ic Forum blog): “It seemed like a game when Riley first start­ed the vir­tu­al real­i­ty (VR) maze … A month after play­ing the game, Riley was turned down for a new life-insur­ance pol­i­cy. Giv­en his excel­lent health, he couldn’t under­stand why. Sev­er­al appeals later,…

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Trend: The more prostheses the higher the need for intuitive interfaces and design

___ CDT-Neu­ro stu­dent leads team to win £10K Robot­ics & Inno­va­tion prize (Impe­r­i­al Col­lege Lon­don): “Irene Mendez Guer­ra (CDT Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy), Ben Lakey (Mitt and Impe­r­i­al alum­ni), Ivan Vujak­li­ja (Prof. Aal­to Uni­ver­si­ty and for­mer Impe­r­i­al asso­ciate) and Dario Fari­na (Chair Neu­rore­ha­bil­i­ta­tion Engi­neer­ing, Impe­r­i­al) have cre­at­ed Nav­i­ga, which is devel­op­ing intu­itive, user friend­ly con­trols for prostheses ……

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FDA clears MindMaze GO neurorehabilitation platform, easing access to continued outpatient therapy

___ Mind­Maze Con­sol­i­dates First-ever FDA Approval for Inpa­tient and Out­pa­tient Neu­rore­ha­bil­i­ta­tion Ther­a­py (press release): “Mind­Maze, a leader in brain­tech, has today announced that it has obtained FDA clear­ance to launch its portable neu­rore­ha­bil­i­ta­tion prod­uct, Mind­Mo­tion™ GO, in the Unit­ed States. Togeth­er with Mind­Mo­tion PRO (which received FDA clear­ance in 2017), Mind­Mo­tion GO is the next…

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Exploring the latest in cognitive rehabilitation and brain health

Expo Day: Mind­Maze, Sharp­Brains, Wat­son Cen­tre for Brain Health from Sharp­Brains Dur­ing Expo Day select­ed Sum­mit Part­ners and Spon­sors show­cased their lat­est ini­tia­tives and solu­tions. Dr. Daniel Perez-Mar­­cos, Senior Sci­en­tist at Mind­Maze, pre­sent­ed the Mind­Mo­tion platform–a series of med­i­cal-grade vir­tu­al real­i­ty solu­tions for neu­rore­ha­bil­i­ta­tion. Alvaro Fer­nan­dez. Sharp­Brains‘ CEO & Edi­­tor-in-Chief dis­cussed The State of Brain…

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Centre for Brain Fitness at Baycrest: Interview with Dr. William Reichman

In April 2008, Bay­crest, a lead­ing research insti­tute focused on aging and brain func­tion, received $10-mil­lion from the Ontario Gov­ern­ment to cre­ate a ground­break­ing Cen­tre for Brain Fit­ness. Its stat­ed goal was to “devel­op and com­mer­cial­ize a range of prod­ucts designed to improve the brain health of aging Ontar­i­ans and oth­ers around the world”. “Our government…

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