Posts Tagged ‘Neurogenesis’
Study finds lifelong neurogenesis in the hippocampus, but rates decline with age and, especially, Alzheimer’s disease
___ Old brains still make neurons, study finds, offering a possible way to protect against Alzheimer’s (STAT): “Reports of old brains’ decrepitude have been greatly exaggerated, scientists reported on Monday, unveiling results that contradict a much-discussed 2018 study and instead support the idea that human gray matter is capable of generating new neurons up to…
Read MoreLifestyle and neurotechnology over genetics
?” Dear colleague, It’s remarkable how quickly things are changing, finally, in brain health and mental health — see for example what’s new with Interaxon, Akili, NeuraMetrix, Apple, Calm, Halo Neuroscience, Mindstrong Health, Novartis, Pear Therapeutics, and lifelong neurogenesis, all in the last 6 months! Please enjoy the May edition of SharpBrains eNewsletter below, and consider joining the…
Read MoreUpdate: Study finds continued birth of new neurons (neurogenesis) well into our 70s
___ Time for SharpBrains eNewsletter, bringing you the latest in in brain health and mental health research, tools and thinking. Also, a quick heads-up for those based in the UK: the Imperial College Centre for Neurotechnology will host a keynote by Alvaro Fernandez in London on Wednesday, May 30th, titled Why the Future of Brain Enhancement & Mental Health is Digital & Pervasive (free;…
Read MoreStudy finds continued birth of new neurons (neurogenesis) well into our 70s
___ New brain memory cells develop well into old age (Reuters): “Well into our 70s, we continue to develop new cells in an area of the brain responsible for new memories and exploration of new environments, scientists report. “These new brain cells sustain our abilities to make new memories, learn, and cope with the environment,…
Read MoreTen Suggestions for Brain-friendly New Year’s Resolutions
—– You are enjoying the shopping and holiday season. Great! Now it’s time to start shifting gears and focus on the year ahead… Let’s review some good lifestyle options we can all follow to maintain, and improve, our sharp brains. Perhaps they will inspire some New Year’s Resolutions to help make 2017 a year of Brain Health!…
Read MoreThe Nine Habits of Highly Effective Brains
————— While we are still (hopefully) enjoying some downtime, let’s review some good lifestyle options we can all follow to not only maintain, but improve, our vibrant brains.
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