Update: The placebo effect works even when people know they are taking a placebo

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing 14 research find­ings, resources and tips for brain health … and start­ing with this fas­ci­nat­ing study: #1. Wow. The place­bo effect works even when peo­ple know they are tak­ing a place­bo #2. Beat­ing Alzheimer’s Dis­ease will require a com­bined physical/ men­tal approach: From the ten fac­tors found…

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Air Force announces research platform to harness closed-loop neurotechnology and accelerate learning “on the fly”

Air Force Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy Part­ner­ship Aims to Accel­er­ate Learn­ing (Mil­i­tary Spot): The Indi­vid­u­al­ized Neur­al Learn­ing Sys­tem, or iNeu­raLS, is a new aug­ment­ed learn­ing plat­form that will enable rapid learn­ing by closed-loop mod­u­la­tion of cog­ni­tive states dur­ing skill acqui­si­tion. Essen­tial­ly, the AFRL team seeks to devel­op a capa­bil­i­ty that will give Air­men the abil­i­ty to rapid­ly acquire knowledge…

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Study: Harnessing fMRI neurofeedback to enhance attention and cognitive potential

. Real-time brain feed­back reduces atten­tion laps­es (News at Prince­ton): “In an arti­cle pub­lished online Mon­day by the jour­nal Nature Neu­ro­science, researchers at Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty describe a study that shows train­ing peo­ple using real-time feed­back from their own brain activ­i­ty can reduce the fre­quen­cy of atten­tion laps­es and improve their abil­i­ty to sus­tain attention.

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