Quick brain teaser to prove the limits of multitasking

How often do you dis­cuss office gos­sip via chat while par­tic­i­pat­ing in a Zoom meet­ing? Or read a great arti­cle while talk­ing on the phone with a client? Or, wait, think about work prob­lems while help­ing your child with home­work? Yup, it is not easy to stay focused and be tru­ly productive. 

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Can trained older brains outperform untrained younger ones at demanding cognitive tasks? Quick answer: YES

__________ Online brain games can extend in-game ‘cog­ni­tive youth’ into old age (Sci­ence News): “A Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Irvine-led study has found that online brain game exer­cis­es can enable peo­ple in their 70s and even 80s to mul­ti­task cog­ni­tive­ly as well as indi­vid­u­als 50 years their junior. This is an increas­ing­ly valu­able skill, giv­en today’s daily…

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Finally, growing awareness of chemotherapy-induced cognitive deficits

Brain activ­i­ty changes seen after chemo (Reuters): “For some women with breast can­cer, changes in brain activ­i­ty while mul­ti­task­ing could explain “chemo brain” – reduced men­tal func­tion­ing that many expe­ri­ence after chemother­a­py, Bel­gian researchers say. “Cog­ni­tive com­plaints of peo­ple increase with chemother­a­py and 

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Use and misuse of ADHD drugs and nootropics among teenagers and toddlers

Rital­in may pose brain risks for young peo­ple with­out ADHD, study shows (Fox News): “Smart” drugs, like Rital­in, also known as nootrop­ics, are known to increase a person’s atten­tion span, mem­o­ry and abil­i­ty to stay alert. As a result, they have become increas­ing­ly abused by stu­dents seek­ing an extra edge in their stud­ies. Accord­ing to a…

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