Helping bridge neuroscience and education: 30+ experts debunk the theory of fixed, rigid “learning styles”

No evi­dence to back idea of learn­ing styles (OpEd in The Guardian co-authored by 30+ neu­ro­sci­en­tists and psy­chol­o­gists): “There is wide­spread inter­est among teach­ers in the use of neu­ro­sci­en­tif­ic research find­ings in edu­ca­tion­al prac­tice. How­ev­er, there are also mis­con­cep­tions and myths that are sup­pos­ed­ly based on sound neu­ro­science that are preva­lent in our schools. We…

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Upcoming webinar: 50 Must-Know Facts to Harness Neuroplasticity & Technology For Better Brain Health

Dear read­er, What will you be doing on Thurs­day April 21st? We encour­age you to join a fas­ci­nat­ing Sharp­Brains webi­nar that day, and dis­cov­er 50 core facts required to bet­ter nav­i­gate and apply lat­est brain sci­ence. Our dis­tin­guished Fac­ul­ty–Dr. Robert Bilder @ UCLA, Tan Le @ Emo­tiv, Alvaro Fer­nan­dez @ Sharp­Brains–will clar­i­fy hot top­ics such as genetics…

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Do you believe these neuromyths? Do we only use 10% of our brain?

Cour­tesy of the recent study Neu­romyths in edu­ca­tion: Preva­lence and pre­dic­tors of mis­con­cep­tions among teach­ers, by Sanne Dekker et al, here you have 32 brain-relat­ed state­ments. Are they cor­rect or incor­rect? We use our brains 24 h a day (C ). Chil­dren must acquire their native lan­guage before a sec­ond lan­guage is learned. If they do…

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Learning with Video Games: A Revolution in Education and Training?

In recent years, we have wit­nessed the begin­nings of a rev­o­lu­tion in edu­ca­tion.  Tech­nol­o­gy has fun­da­men­tal­ly altered the way we do many things in dai­ly life, but it is just start­ing to make head­way in chang­ing the way we teach.  Just as tele­vi­sion shows like Sesame Street enhanced the pas­sive learn­ing of infor­ma­tion for kids…

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Update: Mind. Learn. Eat. Shape. Play

You may find that too much media cov­er­age on how to take good care of our brains is con­fus­ing, if not poten­tial­ly mis­lead­ing. In The True Sto­ry — is men­tal exer­cise good, bad, or irrel­e­vant, Dr. Pas­cale Mich­e­lon dis­sects for you a recent large study which was large­ly report­ed as bad news when in fact it brings…

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Learning habits, learning styles: The most recent findings

For an excel­lent review of the most recent find­ings on learn­ing habits, check out The New York Times recent arti­cle: For­get What You Know About Good Study Habits. Tons of unex­pect­ed and fas­ci­nat­ing results! The find­ings can help any­one, from a fourth grad­er doing long divi­sion to a retiree tak­ing on a new lan­guage. But…

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