Posts Tagged ‘language’
Reading for pleasure during childhood may lead to higher brain/ cognitive development and mental well-being during adolescence
Early childhood is a critical period for brain development, which is important for boosting cognition and mental wellbeing. Good brain health at this age is directly linked to better mental heath, cognition and educational attainment in adolescence and adulthood. It can also provide resilience in times of stress. But, sadly, brain development can be hampered…
Read MoreBrain Teaser: Ready to stimulate those neurons in your temporal lobes?
Language is primarily processed in the temporal lobes–on the sides of your brain, next to you temples, mostly on the left side–and different areas in the temporal lobes deal with different aspects of language. For example, the Wernicke area supports your ability to understand words, whereas the Broca area allows you to produce language or…
Read MoreStudy: Brain scans mapping language and memory areas can help guide epilepsy-related surgeries
Can brain scans help doctors navigate epilepsy surgery? (UPI) “…When medication doesn’t effectively control epilepsy, surgery may be recommended. Doctors can remove the part of the brain that triggers seizures or use certain procedures to control seizure activity. Before surgery, however, the brain must be “mapped” to ensure the regions responsible for language and memory…
Read MoreTo boost attention and other cognitive skills, learn AND continually practice a second language
Study: Short-term language learning boosts cognitive agility (UPI): “Studies have shown learning a second language can improve a variety of cognitive functions…Scottish researchers found that students demonstrated improved attention abilities after just a week of language learning
Read MoreUnder new CEO, Lumosity to expand brain training platform with focus on applied skills and broader social, wellness factors
Lumosity’s Stumble Reveals How We Think About Thinking (BuzzFeed News): “The ads were pervasive, popping up on CNN, Fox News, NPR, and Google searches. And they were persuasive: Playing Lumosity games would do your brain good…But these claims sounded a little too rosy to the Federal Trade Commission, which
Read More4 Essential (and Overlooked) Facts About Your Brain and Your Mind
An aspiring clarinetist begins by getting a sense of the way the instrument’s sounds are produced by the air she blows through it. A driver must be acquainted with various vehicle fundamentals, such as adding gas, accelerating, and reading the speedometer. It is no different with the brain. Maximizing your brain’s health and performance begins…
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