Pros and Cons of using four nootropics–caffeine, creatine, L‑theanine, Ashwaghanda–as cognitive enhancers

Humans have long been search­ing for a “mag­ic elixir” to make us smarter, and improve our focus and mem­o­ry. This includes tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese med­i­cine used thou­sands of years ago to improve cog­ni­tive func­tion. Now we have nootrop­ics, also known as smart drugs, brain boost­ers or cog­ni­tive enhancers. You can buy these gum­mies, chew­ing gums, pills…

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Akili Interactive Labs raises $30.5 million to develop FDA-approved brain training videogame for ADHD

. Videogame Mak­er Seeks to Treat ADHD (The Wall Street Jour­nal): “Doc­tors don’t usu­al­ly pre­scribe videogame play. But one com­pa­ny, which has just raised $30.5 mil­lion from ven­­ture-cap­i­­tal investors, hopes to change that. Boston-based Akili Inter­ac­tive Labs Inc. is devel­op­ing a videogame it believes could replace pills as a treat­ment for atten­­tion-deficit hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty disorder.

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Next: Tools to detect and treat “chemo brain” symptoms common in around 35% of breast cancer survivors

UCLA study reveals treat­ment for women with breast can­cer suf­fer­ing cog­ni­tive dif­fi­cul­ties (Health­Canal): “UCLA researchers have devel­oped a pro­gram that could improve the day-to-day lives of women with breast can­cer by address­ing post-treat­­ment cog­ni­tive dif­fi­cul­ties, some­times known as “chemo brain,” which can affect up to 35 per­cent of women after their treatments

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A User’s Guide to Lifelong Brain Health: BrainFit for Life

As the Brain Fit­ness indus­try con­tin­ues to gain momen­tum, and peo­ple explore all the incred­i­ble brain-train­ing tools being devel­oped, we hope that enthu­si­asts don’t take their eye off the impor­tance of the phys­i­cal health of the brain and all the sys­tems it com­mu­ni­cates with. The brain is unique in that it hous­es our cog­ni­tive and…

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