Test your memory and reasoning skills with these proverbs

Mem­o­ry relies most­ly on tem­po­ral (green area) and frontal (in red) areas of the brain. These are the areas where many neu­rons will get stim­u­lat­ed when you (assum­ing you are Amer­i­can or have lived in the US for long) try to remem­ber the miss­ing words in the Amer­i­can proverbs below. How­ev­er when it comes to…

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Sandra Chapman: Using innovative thinking, and brain training, we can rewire the brain at every level

What is your cur­rent job title and orga­ni­za­tion, and what excites you the most about work­ing there?  As the founder and chief direc­tor at the Cen­ter for Brain­Health at UT-Dal­las, what gets me excit­ed every day is being on the fore­front of defin­ing and encour­ag­ing cog­ni­tive brain health fit­ness for peo­ple of all ages. We are…

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How Do Words, such as Yes and No, Change Our Brains and Lives?

The neu­ro­science of lan­guage, con­scious­ness, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion rais­es many fun­da­men­tal ques­tions, the answers to which con­sis­tent­ly defy def­i­n­i­tion. For exam­ple: when we speak, where do our words come from? Our brain, or our mind? And what do we mean by mind? Sim­i­lar dilem­mas arise when we try to study the nature of con­scious­ness. What is…

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Music as Therapy: Music, Movement, Cognition!

The Sound of Music Whether you real­ize it or not, you already know a lot when it comes to music. Accord­ing to Daniel Lev­itin, for­mer record pro­duc­er, cur­rent neu­ro­sci­en­tist, psy­chol­o­gist and author of This Is Your Brain On Music, you know:

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