Posts Tagged ‘ETech’
Brain News: Lifelong Learning for Cognitive Health
Here you have the March edition of our monthly newsletter covering cognitive health and brain fitness topics. Please remember that you can subscribe to receive this Newsletter by email, using the box at the top of this page. I know I am biased — but do believe this Newsletter issue might well be our best…
Read MoreETech09: on Life Hacking and Brain Training
Here you have the presentation I delivered on Tuesday at ETech 2009 (this year’s O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference): Emerging Research and Technology for Life Hacking/ Brain Training (click to open presentation in new window) Description: Life hacking. Brain training. They are one and the same. The brain’s frontal lobes enable our goal-oriented behavior, supporting executive…
Read MoreMind Hacks and the Placebo Effect
In the ETech panel a few days ago, we discussed some futuristic and some emerging ways in which we can “hack our minds”, mostly from a technology point of view. Neither myself nor the other panelists thought of suggesting the most obvious and inexpensive method, proven in thousands of research studies. The secret compound?: Belief. Also…
Read MoreBrain News: Software, Education, Arts
A few updates and announcements: — 1) My apologies for slow blogging, due to travel. I participated yesterday in a fun panel discussion at ETech on Use Your Head- The Future of Mind Hacks. You can read some take-aways (in Italian, so this may be good brain exercise) here. — 2) We will release our…
Read MorePlacebo effect: why not more of it?
Senia writes a great article on How You Tell the Story of Your Life in Positive Psychology News Daily. As part of the story, she mentions a very fun study on the power of the Placebo effect. From Senia’s post: “In the February, 2007 issue of Psychological Science, Langer and colleague Alia Crum reported that they…
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