Just-published Apple patent signals aim to measure brain activity using AirPods sensor system

Apple Invents a next-gen­er­a­­tion Air­Pods Sen­sor Sys­tem that could mea­sure Biosig­nals and Elec­tri­cal Activ­i­ty of a User’s brain (Patent­ly Apple): Today the US Patent & Trade­mark Office pub­lished a patent appli­ca­tion from Apple that relates to a next-gen­er­a­­tion of Air­Pods Sen­sor Sys­tem where­in the hous­ing and tips of Air­Pods could include a num­ber of active and…

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Portable brain assessment device by Headsafe secures 510(k) FDA clearance

__ FDA Clears Nurocheck, Portable Device to Quick­ly Assess Brain Health (MS News Today): “A portable device that can quick­ly mea­sure elec­tri­cal activ­i­ty in the brain and relay it to doc­tors via a smart­phone app, called the Nurochek sys­tem, has been cleared by the Unit­ed States Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion (FDA) for use as a medical…

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Machine-learning study finds EEG brain signatures that predict response to antidepressant treatments

– Brain-wave pat­tern can iden­ti­fy peo­ple like­ly to respond to anti­de­pres­sant, study finds (Stan­ford Med­i­cine press release): “A new method of inter­pret­ing brain activ­i­ty could poten­tial­ly be used in clin­ics to help deter­mine the best treat­ment options for depres­sion, accord­ing to a study led by researchers at the Stan­ford School of Med­i­cine. Stan­ford researchers and…

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