Posts Tagged ‘Dyscalculia’
Trend: Directly addressing (not just accommodating) learning disabilities
New take on learning disabilities: change the brain (Komo News): “A new school in Redmond might change the way we think about learning disabilities. Instead of teaching kids how to accommodate a difficulty, the school hopes to actually change the brains of students, eliminating the disability altogether.
Read MoreUpdate: The Future of Preventive Brain Medicine
Time for SharpBrains’ January 2012 eNewsletter, featuring in this occasion multiple thought-provoking perspectives on how emerging neuroscience can and should make us rethink prevailing practices in education, healthy aging and preventive medicine. Featured Perspectives: The Future of Preventive Brain Medicine: Breaking Down the Cognition & Alzheimer’s Disease Alphabet Soup, by Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa When 1 +…
Read MoreWhen 1 + 1 = 5: Dyscalculia and Working Memory
Jacob’s mother writes that ‘Jacob, 10-years-old, still struggles with number bonds to 10. Learning to tell the time is still slow – he has not mastered half-past. Although he managed to learn his 5x tables because we practiced all summer, this has now gone’. Jacob has dyscalculia, a math disability where students struggle to learn or…
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