Posts Tagged ‘drinking-wine’
Is Your Brain Ready To Drink Cheap Wine?
Prof. Baba Shiv, one of our advisors, just published a fascinating paper on the power of our beliefs to influence brain activation, and on how marketing can influence those beliefs: Price Tag Can Change The Way People Experience Wine, Study Shows (Science Daily) — According to researchers at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the…
Read MoreGood habits, and other memes
Meme: “The term “meme” (rhyming with “theme”), coined in 1976 by the biologist Richard Dawkins, refers to a “unit of cultural information” which can propagate from one mind to another in a manner analogous to genes. If you haven’t read Dawkins’ classic book The Selfish Gene…it is never too late to enjoy it! There are some “memes”…
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