Posts Tagged ‘disgust’
Four “Inside Out” insights to discuss and improve our kids’ emotional lives (and our own)
. Since its release in June, Inside Out has been applauded by critics, adored by audiences, and has become the likely front-runner for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. But perhaps its greatest achievement has been this: It has moved viewers young and old to take a look inside their own minds.
Read MoreLie to Me, Paul Ekman and Biofeedback
Biofeedback can be a very effective training tool for emotional self-regulation and stress management, precisely because it enables a faster feedback-based learning loop.
Read MoreEmotional Intelligence and Faces
Paul Ekman has conducted extensive research on identifying emotions through facial expressions. As part of that research, and as part of the power of discipline and training, he learned how to consciously manipulate 42 facial muscles, including many that in most of us are beyond our control, and even awareness. In the 60s and 70s…
Read MoreBrain Training and SharpBrains in the news
Several recent stories on brain training and SharpBrains: 1) New brain games may improve mind fitness by Kevin Kosterman (U of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Advance-Titan) “Anytime we learn, we are training, changing, our brain,” Fernandez said. “The three key core elements for effective brain exercise are novelty, variety and constant challenge, similar to increasing the level…
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