Alphabet’s X shares Amber EEG system to expand the quest for mental health biomarkers

Alphabet’s X details Project Amber, a quest for a sin­gle bio­mark­er for depres­sion that fell short of its goal (TechCrunch): Alphabet’s X (the Google-owner’s so-called “Moon­shot Fac­to­ry”) pub­lished a new blog post today about Project Amber, a project it’s been work­ing on over the past three years — the results of which it’s now making…

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Mindstrong Health recruits slew of Silicon Valley talent

_______ Mind­strong Health Expands Exec­u­tive Team to Advance Tech­nol­o­gy for New Vir­tu­al Men­tal Health Care Mod­el (press release): “Mind­strong Health, a health­care inno­va­tion com­pa­ny ded­i­cat­ed to trans­form­ing men­tal health through inno­va­tions in dig­i­tal mea­sure­ment and vir­tu­al care mod­els, today announced the addi­tion of ten senior exec­u­tives to its lead­er­ship team includ­ing CEO Daniel Graf, who…

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Five Essential Guidelines to Improve Brain Health for All

Since 2010, the Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit has been bring­ing togeth­er neu­ro­sci­en­tists, entre­pre­neurs, and prac­ti­tion­ers with a mis­sion to improve men­tal health­care, brain per­for­mance and gen­er­al well-being. As we get ready to host our next col­lec­tive brain­storm­ing next week, let us share some key themes from our last Sum­mit, since they helped shape the Agen­da for…

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On Mental Health and the advent of Digital Phenotyping

___ Build­ing the Ther­mome­ter for Men­tal Health (The Dana Foun­da­tion): “Imag­ine that you vis­it your physi­cian com­plain­ing of a fever and, rather than tak­ing out a ther­mome­ter, they begin hov­er­ing their “edu­cat­ed hands” over you. Grad­u­al­ly, they press down against your arm to gain a full impres­sion of your skin’s tem­per­a­ture and the “deep­er seated…

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