Posts Tagged ‘concentration’
Study: A brief sleep intervention can bring measurable and sustained benefits to children with ADHD
Sleep problems are common in children with ADHD, are more persistent than in the general population, and often exacerbate difficulties associated with ADHD. For example, poor sleep can enhance difficulties with attention and concentration that most youth with ADHD experience. Research has shown that brief sleep interventions can improve sleep in youth without ADHD who…
Read MoreVirtual “Brain Games” roundtable: Why we can, and SHOULD, train our brains
In preparation for the new season of National Geographic’s Brain Games, starting this Sunday February 14th, their producers asked us to participate in a virtual roundtable around this thought-provoking question: Do you think individuals can train their brain to respond in a particular way to certain situations, or do you think our brain’s innate “startle response”…
Read MoreBrain fitness tips to improve concentration and memory
. Concentration–or attention– and memory are two crucial mental skills and are directly related. In fact, many memory complaints have nothing to do with the actual ability to remember things: They come from a failure to focus properly on the task at hand. For example, when you don’t remember where you parked your car
Read MoreHow to incorporate mindfulness into psychotherapy
Mindfulness is good for you. In thousands of studies, moment-to-moment, non-judgmental attention has been shown to improve well-being, strengthen relationships, increase focus and attention, and even boost our immune systems. So it’s no surprise that therapists have taken an interest in using mindfulness with their patients. The potential for benefit is clearly great. But how…
Read MoreStudy: MRI scan technicians can experience negative neurocognitive effects
MRI workers experience transient neurocognitive effects (News Medical): “Individuals working in the vicinity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines may experience transient neurocognitive effects when moving their heads, research demonstrates…Study participants who completed standardized
Read MoreResearch: How Exercise Benefits the Brain
How exercise affects the brain, scientists in Ireland recently asked a group of sedentary male college students to take part in a memory test followed by strenuous exercise.
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