Posts Tagged ‘Cognitive-Training’
Survey: Firms should innovate to better integrate brain health into L&D, training, leadership programs
2024 Survey of Brain Health Trends and Beliefs Among Experts and Early Adopters, conducted by the think tank SharpBrains. 85% of respondents favor incorporating brain health into regular company health, training and L&D activities. 95% consider essential managing stressful situations at work. 87% has experienced brain and mental benefits of physical exercise, 65% of improved nutrition,…
Read MoreNon-invasive Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (TES) shows early promise to treat ADHD symptoms in children
Many children with ADHD benefit from medication treatment, behavioral treatment, or their combination, but others do not. In addition, parents are often reluctant to start their child on medication and high quality behavioral treatments are not readily accessible in many areas. The long-term efficacy of these treatments is also less than desirable. Thus, despite these…
Read MoreOn cognitive-physical training, brain biomarkers, dementia, ketamine, brain teasers, riddles and more
Welcome to the last 2022 edition of SharpBrains e‑newsletter, featuring a few selected brain health news and fun teasers to challenge your brain and help us all think outside the box. #1. “Everyone agrees that Google Glass failed when it came to market, but to me, it’s a symbol of hope … It inspired people to…
Read MoreStudy: A combined cognitive-physical training approach may enhance both mind and body as we age
A combined cognitive and fitness training helps restore older adults’ attention abilities to young adult levels (PsyPost): A new study found promising results for a combined physical fitness and cognitive intervention designed to enhance neuroplasticity in older adults. Using a motion-capture video game, the intervention appeared to remediate age-related declines in attention. The findings were…
Read MoreOn cognitive training, muscle mass, neurostimulation, brain teasers, apps, and more
Welcome to a new edition of SharpBrains’ e‑newsletter, featuring timely brain & innovation news and a few fun teasers to test your working memory. #1. Study: Building muscle mass helps delay cognitive decline beyond the value of exercise itself “Teasing out exactly how muscle helps the brain remains a challenge. There are plenty of indirect…
Read MoreCombined tDCS neurostimulation and cognitive training found to improve working memory among older adults–especially those with lower starting capacity
Giving memory a lift: Can games and brain stimulation do it? (MedicalNewsToday): A person’s working memory may decline with age or if they have dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or have had a stroke. When this occurs, the loss can affect their day-to-day quality of life, turning even simple tasks into often-demoralizing challenges.
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