June 5–7th, Madrid: Healthy Living & Longevity Globalizer Summit by Ashoka and the Fit for Life Foundation

  Imag­ine liv­ing a life brim­ming with ener­gy and pur­pose, even as you age. The Healthy Liv­ing and Longevi­ty Glob­al­iz­er Sum­mit cel­e­brates the trans­for­ma­tive poten­tial of longer lifes­pans and explores how they reshape our world. With more peo­ple over 65 than under five years of age, and a pro­ject­ed three­fold increase in those over 80…

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Best books on brain health and cognitive fitness according to ChatSpot and ChatGPT

Out of curios­i­ty we queried a cou­ple pop­u­lar AI chat­bots, ChatSpot and Chat­G­PT free ver­sions, about the best books in a cou­ple of key top­ics we dis­cuss a lot in this blog. Here are the fas­ci­nat­ing results, and some brief com­men­tary at the end. (Links open cor­re­spond­ing Ama­zon book pages.) Best books on brain health, per…

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Lifestyle matters: What we can do in 2024 to optimize cognition and life, delaying cognitive problems even dementia

Walk 10,000 steps a day, cut back alco­hol, get bet­ter sleep at night, stay social­ly active — we’re told that changes like these can pre­vent up to 40 per cent of demen­tia cas­es world­wide. Giv­en that demen­tia is still one of the most feared dis­eases, why aren’t we push­ing our doc­tors and gov­ern­ments to support…

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Without Brain Health, you do not have Health

As you go through life, your brain under­goes extra­or­di­nary devel­op­ment. Your brain is the most adapt­able, mod­i­fi­able organ in your body, and it can change both pos­i­tive­ly and neg­a­tive­ly by how you use it each day. Just by read­ing a book such as this one, your brain has been changed. How has your brain been…

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Reminder: UT-Dallas BrainHealth presents virtual talks with Alvaro Fernandez (this Thursday, April 21st) and Sanjay Gupta (next Tuesday, April 26th)

Each month, some of the most fas­ci­nat­ing speak­ers par­tic­i­pate in inter­ac­tive con­ver­sa­tions about the lat­est advances in brain health sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy and real-world appli­ca­tion. All talks are vir­tu­al and free of charge. Reg­is­ter for the sea­son and attend as many talks as you like.

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UT-Dallas BrainHealth presents virtual talks with Alvaro Fernandez and Sanjay Gupta next month

Each month, the most fas­ci­nat­ing speak­ers par­tic­i­pate in inter­ac­tive con­ver­sa­tions about the lat­est advances in brain health sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy and real-world appli­ca­tion. All talks are vir­tu­al and free of charge. Reg­is­ter for the sea­son and attend as many talks as you like. » Learn More & Reg­is­ter HERE NAVIGATING THE DIGITAL BRAIN HEALTH MARKET with Alvaro…

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