Mobile Brain Training, Scientific Learning, and More News

Some recent brain train­ing and health news:  1) A Promis­ing Debut for Com­put­er­ized Ther­a­pies 2) Fit­ness pro­tects brain in Alzheimer’s patients 3) Brain Fit­ness Pro­gram Clas­sic comes to Mac 4) Posit Sci­ence gains own­er­ship of Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing (NSDQ: SCIL) Brain­Con­nec­tion. 5) Brain train­ing on your mobile 6) You must remem­ber this: how the mind works Here you…

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Is it necessary to train under the supervision of a doctor or other specialist?

Sci­ence is being pub­lished that shows how brain exer­cise can lead to enhanced neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty (growth of new neu­rons and con­nec­tions between them) through­out life.Answer:Although some knowl­edge about the brain has been around since the days of Ancient Greece and Rome, it real­ly got a boost in the 19th cen­tu­ry with some major dis­cov­er­ies in brain local­iza­tion.… Yet, due to tech­ni­cal and eco­nom­ic con­straints, many of the tools to under­stand cog­ni­tion stayed with­in uni­ver­si­ty, med­ical, and mil­i­tary research labs where they were inac­ces­si­ble to most people.With recent sci­en­tif­ic devel­op­ments, it has become much eas­i­er and cheap­er to learn more.

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Brain Fitness Blog Carnival #1

Wel­come to the inau­gur­al edi­tion of the Brain Fit­ness Blog Car­ni­val. The tim­ing could­n’t be bet­ter  you have prob­a­bly seen the fea­tured CBS News/TIME Series on Brain Neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty. Thanks to the over 40 peo­ple who sub­mit­ted posts. We have had to select the posts we enjoyed the most to help facil­i­tate an engag­ing and informed…

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Brain based coaching for brain fitness: Head Coach

You may have seen our last and excel­lent post, Train Your Brain: Get a Head Coach, and won­dered, have Car­o­line and Alvaro become Head Coach­es now? Rest assured. We haven’t. Please wel­come our Head Coach, Neal Cohen, Psy.D. Neal is a licensed clin­i­cal psychologist 

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New Brain Fitness Guide

We are very excit­ed to announce our new guide: <strong>Brain Fit­ness for Sharp Brains: Your <em>New</em> New Year Resolution,</strong>. Alvaro Fer­nan­dez and Dr. Elkhonon Gold­berg wrote it with Car­o­line Lath­am in order to pro­vide an intro­duc­tion to the con­cept, sci­ence, and prac­tice of brain fitness.

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This is a Brain Fitness Center.

Today we issued the fol­low­ing press release, and are work­ing hard to get every­thing ready by Jan­u­ary (every­thing works now, but we want to pol­ish it). Please view this web­site as research in action, a liv­ing hypoth­e­sis. We are doing this because we love to learn and help. Please help us learn-feel free to give…

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